After 12 months of supporting NSE with online broadcast productions, EPIC.LAN was appointed to deliver the LAN broadcast for NSE’s British University Esports Championship Spring Finals at Insomnia 68.
An important part of the brief for both EPIC.LAN and NSE was to mirror the student-driven ethos of NSE within the broadcast and talent team. A large number of the observers and talent who worked during the finals all currently study at universities across the UK. The event both gave players an opportunity to showcase their talent and granted technical and talent roles a chance to apply their skills on a developed platform.
The NSE Spring Finals also happened to be the first time for many working with a full broadcast gallery and provided them with the opportunity to learn a different workflow and experience a new working environment.

Determined to create a stress-free experience for players and crew, our team ensured that all games were fully installed and patched in advance, with our on-site games cache available for emergencies or last minute updates, minimising the setup time involved. We were also able to provide new top of the range 360Hz MSI monitors alongside our PC and peripheral hire, helping to create the best gaming experience possible for the students using them.
With over 22 hours of broadcasting provided on Twitch, students were given the opportunity to work alongside the experienced EPIC.LAN crew throughout the livestream production. This allowed them to truly get a grasp of how things work behind the scenes in a professional environment. Students also got to witness firsthand how solutions are implemented when needed, in particular with the unique challenges of the hybrid workflow.
With the production gallery, players, hosts and observers on-site at the NEC and the majority of casting talent remaining at home the production called for some creative solutions to produce a smooth broadcast, particularly around gallery communications and audio synchronisation.
The final challenge of the brief was to show that this event was primarily NSE finalists at a BYOC LAN event, not necessarily a big stage production in line with NSE’s focus on community experience. EPIC.LAN deployed its new set of Birddog NDI PTZ cameras around the broadcast space to capture moments from around the venue with creative freedom to give a fun and relaxed tone to the broadcast.
Production Services